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  • Writer's pictureAditi Rao

5 Biggest Mistakes you are doing in Your Email Marketing Campaign

You are one of them whose Email marketing strategies are not working or you are also facing problems to turn your viewers into customers?

If you are not getting the result with your existing marketing strategies then you are definitely making some mistakes because email marketing is one of the oldest but effective ways. You shouldn’t ignore email marketing because of various reasons. Such as:

  • It increases the possibility of maximizing the reach

  • It is a cost-effective way that anyone can use easily for their small as well as big businesses.

  • It generates more return on investments rather than to other marketing channels.

  • You can easily send personalized emails to your targeted audience.

  • You can increase communication with your potential customers and companies.

  • Easily measure your results and improve them.

  • Email marketing strategies are effective to generate more leads for your marketing campaign.

So if you are not leveraging these benefits, you are somewhere doing some mistakes. So if you want to take your business to the next level, you need to review and correct these mistakes.

1) Sending too many emails at a time

If you are also one of them who sends too many emails to their subscribers at a time then you need to stop it here. It leaves a negative impression on your subscriber. He will get irritated with your emails and he will block you. Think about yourself, you also feel annoyed when someone sends you too many messages at a time.

So do not make this blunder. Send emails from time to time. You can fix a schedule for sending an email to your customer.

2) Do Not Testing a message before to send

We all are humans and it is obvious for us to make mistakes. So, before to send your emails to recipients, check them and test them and resolve the problems you find. Make sure that the content you are going to send is perfect, there are no broken links on it, Images and videos are optimized properly, and no spelling and grammar mistakes are left.

3) Not Implementing Call-to-Action Button

There is no meaning of making your email so engaging without having a clear CTA button on it. If you want from your audience to perform any type of action then you must add a fascinating call-to-action button. Make sure that your CTA button is clear with attractive colour combinations and text, easy to find so that your viewers can click on it easily.

4) Sending irrelevant messages

If you are sending the same messages to all your subscriber then it will negatively affect your business reputation. If you are sending the messages in which your customers are not interested then you are wasting your time and resources. Here you need to be specific while sending a message according to the interest of the subscribers.

For this, you can take help from the email automation techniques that will help you to send personalized messages to your customers.

5) Not Tracking the statistics

To improve the ROI of your email campaign, you need to track all the actions that your audience is taking. If you are monitoring all the statistics over time, you can increase the efficiency of your mail. These statistics are- open rate, click rate, delivery rate, conversion rate, unsubscribe rate, sharing rate, etc.

By optimizing these statistics, you can resolve your potential issues.

Email marketing is still very effective and thriving. Most of the people are using email marketing as their primary solution but most of the marketers doing it wrong. Identify the steps that you are skipping or doing wrong and try to improve them.

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